Announcing Our Hot Highlight Weekend Winners

We were blown away by your highlights submitted April 11-15 for our first 2019 Hot Highlight Weekend Contest. It was tough to pick just three winners, so we decided to award four! Each of our HiCast Users will receive a Rawlings Sackpack thanks to Rawlings Sporting Goods.

HiCast User: @cora for an over-the-fence home run by #1 in the USA Softball of SC tourney at Tiger River Park on 4/13/19

HiCast User: @adam.haber27 for Adam Saber’s diving catch at center field at East Cobb Baseball Complex on 4/11/19

HiCast User: @Paulmaida1 for Ryan Maida’s walk-off home run for the Long Island Hurricanse 11U in the Baseball Heaven Swing Into Spring Championship game on 4/14/19.

HiCast User: @Eagles007 for a fantastic double-play featuring two tags by the catcher on Field 6 at Diamond Nation on 4/14/19

Congratulations to our winners! Stay tuned for our next contest and keep sharing your Moments That Matter™ to our app’s HiCast Feed as it’s the source for our contest entries including our second annual 2019 Most Valuable Play Awards coming at the end of the year.